A woman that pushes her boyfriend away is always experiencing some
form of conflict in her mind. This conflict can be caused by lots of
things, but this conflict is usually caused by the fact that your
girlfriend doesn’t completely accept you for who you are right now, or
she is testing you.
Understand that your girlfriend’s feelings towards you can change in
20 minutes, 3 hours or tomorrow. But when your girlfriend pushes you
away, your girlfriend is experiencing some form of inner-conflict at
that present moment in time.Here are some of the major reasons why your girlfriend will push you away:
- Your girlfriend is having doubts about the relationship.
- Your girlfriend doesn’t trust you completely.
- Your girlfriend thinks you might be weak.
- Your girlfriend thinks you’re more into her than she is into you.
- Your girlfriend has a mental illness.
- Your girlfriend has a difficult attachment style.
- Your girlfriend’s losing attraction for you.
- Your girlfriend’s testing you
All of the reasons mentioned here are a kind of test. Now this is a good thing that your girlfriend is testing you, it means she has feelings for you. If your girlfriend wasn’t testing you at all, it would mean that she has absolutely zero romantic interest in you, so take it as a positive sign.
Now before I get into the “what to do” and “what not to do” when it comes to dealing with this situation, let’s take a look at the type of women who will never push their men away. This is important so we know, as men, what to aim for in our relationships with women.
Your girlfriend will never push you away if…
- She’s desperate to get married and have kids (the push away will come later).
- She feels that your value as a man is much higher than hers.
The exception being the rare situation where a woman manages to land a man who’s dating value is much much higher than hers. I’m talking when a woman is rated a 5 or 6 out of 10 and the man is a solid 9 (and this usually only happens when the man is looking for easy sex, never for a long-term relationship).
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