In my own experience, I’ve found that a woman will love a man more and find him more attractive if she has to chase the man and work hard to get his attention.
The crazy thing about all this is that by ignoring women, you’ll make them more attracted to you.
Now a lot of men have women around them who they don’t find that attractive, but these women end up falling head over heals in love with these men, all because these men ignored them and acted with indifference towards them.
However, try ignoring your girlfriend if you find her incredibly sexy and attractive and it becomes really difficult to pull this off. You’re going to need balls of steel in this situation.
Let’s imagine that you are really into your girlfriend. She’s beautiful and sexy and on top of that she’s a top quality woman—the kind of girl you could actually see yourself wanting to commit to. How do you maintain the attraction with a woman like this?
The simple answer is that you have to treat her like any other girl. You have to get her to chase you. You have to act indifferent and be less responsive than you are naturally inclined to be. Every time you think about reaching out to that super-hot girlfriend that you love to bits, pull back safe in the knowledge that by being less responsive you’re making yourself more attractive as a man.
I always recommend that a man save the chit-chat and emotional talk for his close male friends. Your buddies won’t judge you the same way that a woman will. Your male friends will be able to completely understand where you’re coming from because their emotions are male emotions too.
Over the years I’ve seen guys beg, cry and plead for their girlfriends to give them love and sex. I’ve seen situations where guys have gone to professional psychologists and therapists with their problems, and these therapists have told them to “open up to their girlfriends and reveal all their inner-most feelings and emotions.”
I mean, are you kidding me? Is this supposed to be professional advice? This advice is not only relationship suicide, it’s love and attraction suicide too!
The more you chase your girlfriend, the more you’ll drive her away and the more she’ll take you for granted.
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