If you’ve ever wondered why your girlfriend must chase you to find you attractive, this is the article for you. Even more interesting is that these findings are based on solid scientific research. Once you’ve read this article you’ll understand why it’s crucial for your girlfriend to chase you in the relationship.
In this article you’ll find out why…
- Women find men more attractive when they have to chase them.
- Why you should never feel sorry for a girl and be too nice!
- You need to get your girlfriend to work for your attention if she’s going to truly appreciate you.
A lot of men are terrified that if they suddenly pull away from their girlfriend, then their girlfriend is going to lose attraction for them and she’ll suddenly disappear off the face of the earth. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth.
I understand this fear and it’s one of the most common mistakes I’ve seen. Boy meets girl. Girl initially does most of the chasing and pursuing, then suddenly the boy falls in love with the girl and starts chasing her more and more. The girl finds this behavior increasingly unattractive and she decides to withdraw her attention as her attraction starts to fade.
Another thing that holds men back is the fact that they feel bad pulling away from their girlfriend, forcing her to do most of the chasing. But picture this scenario:
Peter has been dating Jane for a couple weeks. In the beginning everything was going great. Jane would call Peter up and want to hang out with him, and Peter would do the same. They had a lot of fun together and the sex was great.
As time went on, Peter started to get more and more attached to Jane (it’s always a big mistake for a man to invest too much into a woman in the early stages of a relationship). Peter then started calling Jane every day, texting her and making her the focus of his life. Little did Peter realize that Jane was starting to lose attraction for him…
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